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Kristina Davis's Navy Blue and Pink Floral Peasant Top - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 242, 03/16/16

March 16, 2016

Today on GH, Kristina visited Sonny, and he questioned her about what was going on at school. During these scenes, Kristina was wearing a navy blue and pink floral peasant top by Lucky Brand. It's currently on sale. Kristina's top also comes in plus sizes and in a gold version. See this previous post for info on Kristina's embellished blue crossbody bag that she was carrying when she arrived at Sonny's.

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  1. Imasoapfan, any idea how to find out about the earrings Kristina was wearing with the peasant top? She definitely had them when she was at Alexis's house 3/16-17.

    1. Hi Wendi, I've been searching for them, but haven't had any luck finding them.

      Did any other reader out there recognize them? Let us know if you did!

  2. I came to ask the same question as Wendi. I love the earrings Kristina was wearing with this top. Do you have any idea where they're from?

    1. Hi Kate, I'm afraid I don't! If I ever manage to track them down, I'll make a post for them.
