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Hayden Barnes's Pink Cable Turtleneck Sweater - General Hospital, Season 54, Episode 01/13/17

January 18, 2017

Friday on General Hospital, Hayden and Finn went skating together. Finn tried to teach Hayden to skate, but she spent most of the time falling offscreen. Later, the pair headed back to Finn's hotel. During these scenes, Hayden was wearing a cropped blush pink cable turtleneck sweater from J. Crew. It's on sale right now and also comes in heather blue. Get an extra 40% off with the code GOSHOP.

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  1. They may be the same sweaters but they look different from Tv and in hand! The JCrew has a lot of white through it and the pinks are very different. JCrew not as soft looking. JCrew very cut very short
