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Lulu Spencer Falconeri's Quilted Pink Leather Backpack - General Hospital, Season 56, Episode 01/18/19

January 27, 2019

Last week on General Hospital, Lulu talked with Laura in her office as she worked on a story. When Laura mentioned the list of Ryan's nine victims, Lulu was confused about the number. Laura mentioned that she had seen a list in Kevin's office, so Lulu followed up by calling "Kevin." During this episode, Lulu (Emme Rylan) had with her a quilted pink leather backpack by Michael Kors. It's on sale right now. Along with fawn pink, Lulu's small backpack comes in pearl grey, black, maroon/oxblood studded mixed media, studded black, anthracite (silver), dark green, and oxblood red. Lulu's pink backpack is also available here. There's a handbag/satchel version of Lulu's bag as well.

Lulu Spencer Falconeri, Emme Rylan, Quilted Pink Leather Backpack, General Hospital, GH
Lulu's Quilted Pink Leather Backpack. See more Michael Kors Bags.

Here's another screencap of Lulu wearing her pink leather backpack from the January 16th episode of GH when she visited Maxie at Crimson and tried to get a statement from Jordan.

Lulu Spencer Falconeri, Emme Rylan, Quilted Pink Leather Backpack, General Hospital, GH

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